It's Me ! - Shared Galaxy Wonder

Senin, 19 November 2012

[ROM][JB][JZO54K] CyanogenMod 10 ALPHA BETA ( Build 1 )

What's working: Audio Receiving and making calls GPS Compass Proximity sensor Wifi Bluetooth USB mass storage HW accelerated gui HW accelerated video Camera Torch USB tethering Not working: Wifi tethering Vsync required for full project butter experience Panorama shots Screenshots CM10 Install GuideNote: CM for Galaxy W is provided with no warranty. You are installing this software at your own risk. You may be violating your warranty.Download...

[rom][gt-i8150][2.3.6][sense lion][stable]performance]

Acknowledgements and credits to: 1. CowithGun: To kernel & Cow panel 2. SethDeCode'z: To Velocity Tweaks 3. Pikachu01: To Thunderbolt Scripts 4. ImbaWind: To Adrenaline Boost 5. filosofi_killms: For enlightenment on this rom 6. Budhy doo: Related Searches keyboardics sharing, walkman 7. Sucipto * net: HTC apk for sharing on the blog Thank you to my team and all the members in the FB group which has helped and support me. Here is a breakdown...

Rabu, 07 November 2012

[Mod-CM9] Galaxy Note Lockscreen Style

Based from this thread guide : MOD][HOWTO] Change ICS Lockscreen to Galaxy Note style so full credit to Sir Evilisto for his great guide and sir Arco for CM9 beta3 THIS MOD IS A MODIFIED FRAMEWORK-RES.APK BASED CM9-BETA3 ANCORA BY SIR ARCO.. and has been tested only on that build.. before you do the installation process I warn you to DO IT WITH YOUR OWN RISK !!! : CWM Do...