MIUI V4 Galaxy W I8150

MIUI 2.8.10 RC1 | Smooth | Battery | Performance

The rom is based on latest Arco Cm9 Beta 3 build
Note: MIUI for Galaxy W is provided with no warranty. You are installing this software at your own risk. You may be violating your warranty.

MIUI 2.8.10 RC1 | Smooth | Battery | Performance

The rom is based on latest Arco Cm9 Beta 3 build
Note: MIUI for Galaxy W is provided with no warranty. You are installing this software at your own risk. You may be violating your warranty.
ROM details:
-MIUI Sources : Nexus S Official support -Same bug as CM9 by Arco68 >> Official Thread -Base & Kernel CM9 Beta 3 from Arco68 -Switched from BFQ to CFQ scheduler as default (after some testing, it seems to provide better database and 3D performance) -Some bionic tweaks (better CPU float performance) -Some updates to the camera HAL wrapper -CRT Animation -Build Prop Tweak -GPU Rendering -Battery Tweak -SD Speed twe -Increase touch sensibility -Increase photo quality -Scroll speed tweaks -Net Speed tweaks -GPS Fast Fix -3G tweaks |
What's working:
-Audio -Receiving and making calls -GPS -Compass -Proximity sensor -Wifi -Bluetooth -USB mass storage -HW accelerated gui -HW accelerated video -Camera -Wifi and USB tethering -Capacitive Touchscreen |
Languages included :
-English (MarkHUK & iBotPeaches) -Chinese (Xiaomi) -Polish (Acid) -Dutch (Kees-Jan) -Italian (Mish) -Korean (IAmGhost) -Spanish (Anonymous) -Danish (1982Strand) -Russian (KDG & malchik-solnce) -Arabic (silent_4) -Ukrainian (KDG & Vlaaaad) -German (Gerret84 & Marco) -Hebrew (roenano) -Hungarian (vagyula) -Slovak (ingbrzy & UFO & supersasho) -Czech (kynio & jomi) -Greek (FinN) -French (JuJu_des_highlands) |
Flashing Instructions
1. Use CWM5 2. wipe data,cache,dalvik cache and format system 3. install rom (no need for gapps as it is included) 4. Reboot system 5. Wait till full boot of your phone 6. Warning : Do not restore backup data of system apps ! |


Download :
- 20-02-2013: MIUI 2.8.10 Multilang RC6 [Download]
MD5 : 88F9B17E72743BCD12E9438D3A5A5F35
SHA1 : 6D78411FE75AF671FE011F9FC156B99A3DBE9C19
CRC32 : DC03BED9
[Swap SD][Reverse Swap]- Updated base to arco's rc6
- Updated base to arco's rc6
- 10-02-2013: MIUI 2.8.10 Multilang RC5 [Download]
MD5 :1CCFF14BFADF3B03A02A6DC369070A2D
SHA1 :E2274183EBC4F646454216F9A1DFE03068D9DF08
CRC32 :0663A3AA
[Swap SD][Reverse Swap]- Updated base to arco's rc5
- Added various tweaks
- 06-02-2013: MIUI 2.8.10 Multilang RC4 [Download]
MD5 :7F4408A596471032B81DEEA8B6A93B0C
SHA1 :33A72B8EE50CE9E41329B1AEDF713670884834DE
CRC32 :B7734A18
[Swap SD][Reverse Swap]- Updated base to arco's rc4
- Added Control Panel
- 20-12-2012: MIUI 2.8.10 Multilang [Download]
MD5 :673E18653546088A38C8B023F8A222CE
SHA1 :15075F6F9A2AF56C050AFB795BE74EE3B7A3B8E7
CRC32 :2974F8D3
[Swap SD][Reverse Swap]- Added MIUI keyboard, equalizer from Miuiaustralia.com
- Added 4-way reboot(normal, quick, recovery, bootloader)
- Some Tweak
- Some Mod (MiuiHome,MiuiSystemUI,MMS);
- Gapps included
Arco 68 (For his base CM9) Alex93917 MIUI China Translators MIUIAndroid English community All testers |
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