It's Me ! - Shared Galaxy Wonder

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

[THEME -CM9]**Jelly Holo Green Aosp Glass Light**

1. Transparent settings background ( Dark Dragon texture) 2. Transparent status bar 100% 3. Transparent Jelly bean notification pulldown background 4. Green font 5. Carrier logo (google) 6. 1% Battery mod 7. ICS Navigation Bar 29 Odip 8. 180° Lockscreen rotation 9. 180° Screen rotation 10. Transparent Dialer & Mms 11. Jelly bean default wallpaper 12. Disable Capacitive light ( Automatic Brightness available ) 13. New mod stats signal data...


1. Transparent setting background 2. Transparent status bar 100% 3. Transparent pulldown notification background 4. Jelly bean notification tray 5. Carrier logo AT&T 6. Custom stok app icon ICS GLASS 7. Mod Trebuchet.apk 8. stok ICS Navigation Bar 29 Odip 9. 180° Lockscreen rotation (mod jelly bean ) 10. 180° Screen rotation 11. Jelly bean bootanimation 12. Jelly bean default wallpaper 13. Disable capacitive light (Automatic Brightness available...

[APP][MOD][Update 3.5 From Xperia V] WALKMAN For Base CM9/CM10

SONY WALKMAN Music Player Walkman v1 Update 2 Note : This screenshots taken from Xperia Ray Update 3 Hi Guys ...This Walkman application extracted from Xperia S my brother Rizal Lovins (for v1) , Update 2 from System Xperia T/GX re-desaign look Xperia V, and Update 3 Original from latest Walkman from Sony (Xperia V) we try to make it run on others device with the addition or enhancement features (This not only APK...

[APP][CAMERA]Cybershot Camera Mod With ICS theme

Hello everyone..... I try to make a camera mod with ICS theme, basically I was told by my sister Rizal Lovins how to the results of better camera capture and video recording with increased bitrate (I think he is a camera wizard) This mod is base XXLMD deodexed, so i think this mod will work on all GB ROM, I have tried it in XXLM6 deodexed ROM. and it works well. What's Modded : - Camera.apk - media_profiles.xml Download : Camera Mod v1.0 How to install : Just apply via cwm, don't forget before installing, please wipe cache, wipe dalvik...

AC!D AUDIO for CM9 & AOKP / CM10

sebelumnya mungkin pernah melihat AC!D AUDIO di cusrom InDroid RemICS,dan ane rasa AC!D disitu kurang begitu ngepas sama appolo,ane juga udah tes di CM9B3 dan WORK BANGET,dan ini ditunjukkan bagi agan2 yang seneng musik tapi kepengen make CM9 :D This MOD is Specially build to enhance sound quality on Your headset, earphone, headphone and on your speaker You'll have overall better Bass A better sound quality (specially on...


Fitur: Ganti Applikasi bawaan dan ditambahkan beberapa Applikasi Pro Ganti threbuchet dengan xperia 4corner & zeam launcher Ditambahkan geeky engine + Adrenaline boost dan sedikit mod tweak Smooth Instruksi instalasi: Download file Disini: Eksrtak. Hasil ekstrakan taruh di eksternal sdcard/clockwormod/disi ni. Masuk CWM Wipe data / factory reset Wipe cache partition Mount and Storage Format system,...

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

[ROM][ICS][IMM76L] MIUI 2.8.10 Multilang RC6 [20-02-2013]

MIUI V4 Galaxy W I8150 MIUI 2.8.10 RC1 | Smooth | Battery | Performance The rom is based on latest Arco Cm9 Beta 3 build Note: MIUI for Galaxy W is provided with no warranty. You are installing this software at your own risk. You may be violating your warranty. Features ________________________________________________ ROM details: Quote: -MIUI Sources : Nexus S Official support -Same bug as CM9 by Arco68 >> Official Thread -Base...

[ROM] [BACKUP & RESTORE] [GAMING] Simplified GB with S3 Look

--- SIMPLIFIED GINGERBREAD WITH S3 LOOK --- -- RESTORE VIA CWM -- :: Features :: 1- Remove Lot's of memory eating apps "LIST OF REMOVED APPS BELOW" 2- V6 supercharger added 3- Adrenaline engine added 4- Swap memory added 5- STABLE 6- VERY SMOOTH 7- LOW MEMORY USAGE 8- GOOD FOR GAMING 9- ARABIC Support 10- S3 Sounds 11- S3 Wallpapers 12- PLAY STORE Updated (v3.9.16) 13- Adobe Flash Player Updated (v11.1.111.19) 14- Init.d Support ::...

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

[ ROM ] [ BACKUP AND RESTORE ] Stock Gaming Rom Stable i8150XXLM8

** RESTORE WITH CWM ** # Features : 1. Remove some app 2. Megabassbeat & bravia engine added 3. V6 supercharger update 9 RC 11 Added 4. Adrenaline engine added 5. Kernel by cow added 6. Swap ram added 7. swap memory added 8. Very fast 9. Stable 10. Added some app 11. ETC ## How to Instal : 1. Download STOCK GAMING ROM 2. Extrack STOCK GAMING ROM 3. In the folder GAMING STOCK ROM XXLM8 where clockworkmod folder and copy...

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

[THEME-CM9] Windows Phone7

[THEME-CM9] Windows Phone7** layout/Recents apps/ App Switcher WP-7 style.Inspired by this thread : Navigation Bar mod Wp72. App Switcher/ recents apps mod Wp73. Transparent Settings background4. 1% battery mod5. Carrier logo6. Transparent 100% status bar background7. 180° Screen rotation8. 180° lockScreen rotation9. Center Date- Center Clock Status bar & Lockscreen10.Green text font11....

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012


RC 3 : gapps: this rom is untested,as i do not own this device. please provide feedback. PARANOID IS NOT PROVIDED WITH ANY GUARANTEE. Happy flashing. Instructions: wipe data,format system,wipe and dalvik cache. install rom. clear cache and dalvik cache and fix permissions. flash hybrid gapps. again clear cache and dalvik cache and fix permissions. reboot. IF COMING FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF PARANOIDANDROID OR ANY OTHER ROM,YOU ...

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

[Rom] [Kernel] Xperia ICE Stable

** FLASHING WITH CWM ** # Changelog V3.1: 1. Update busybox 2. Update kernel parameter 3. Update all driver 4. Advanced from v3 5. Update SD read ahead size 6. Update init.rc 7. Update build.prop 8. Ics control panel now work 100% 9. GAPPS up to date 10. Update I/O scheduler 11. GPS tracker performance 12. Auto clear market data 13. Openvpn added 14. Sound booster added 15. All binaries and libraries are up to Date # Changelog V3: 1. Build...