No one will be responsible for any problem Adrenaline™ Engine may cause to you. Proceed With Caution !
(By Installing Adrenaline™ Engine, You Have Agreed To This)
For those who want to include this into your ROM, please give proper credits and a link directs to this thread, thanks

It's ThunderBolt by pikachu01. I repacked it with more features and optimize it for our Galaxy Ace !

This is the one I included in my Adrenaline™ ROM, for those who are using my ROM please don't flash this again as my Adrenaline™ ROM have special settings !
✔ Increase touchscreen sensitivity
✔ Less RAM usage through zipalign. | World first smart zipaligning
✔ Reduced /dbdata, /data, /sdcard usage of *.db files and faster database access. | World first smart sqlite optimizing
✔ Faster disk access through remount script (noatime, disabled barrier etc) | World first smart remounting
✔ Better network throughput from TCP tweaks and 3G tweaks
✔ Tons of prop tweaks
✔ Overall Better Performance and Battery Life
✔ Less lags through LMK Tweak and Various VM Tweaks
✔ Faster SDCARD Read/Write Speed
✔ Bypass website like thepiratebay.se | Thanks !
✔ CWM Flashable
✔ Transform your phone to Lamborghini. (joke , lol)
What You Need
◢ Android Gingerbread 2.3.x
◢ At least 2MB free on /system
◢ A Usable Brain
◢ A Pair of Sharp Eyes
◢ Clockworkmod (4/5 doesn't matter)
◢ Flashable zip Installing Experience
◢ Kernel that supports init.d
◢ Ext4 system format if you want to use the remount script
**Do a backup before your try anything as normal !!!
1.Delete all others script you have installed in "/system/etc/init.d"
2. Copy 'Adrenaline Engine.zip' to your phone SD card
*For those who are using Cyanogenmod, download CM version
3. Reboot your phone to recovery mode
4. Mount /system and /data
5. Flash Adrenaline Engine.zip
6. Reboot your phone when finished installation
7. Done
Note: Installing newer version of Adrenaline™ Engine will replace old version automatically

How to uninstall ?
Reboot cwm, mount /system and install Uninstaller from sdcard.
*For 3.5 and after, you need to download the new uninstaller to uninstall.
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