It's Me ! - Shared Galaxy Wonder

Rabu, 19 September 2012

Mengenal Beragam Opsi Scalling Governor dan I/O Schedulers dalam Pengaturan Clock Prosesor Android

Pernah menggunakan aplikasi-aplikasi yang berbasis pengaturan clock prosesor? Misalnya SetCPU, Voltage Control dan lain sebagainya. Dalam aplikasi tersebut, terdapat beragam opsi maupun pilihan profil untuk mengatur kinerja dan efisiensi penggunaan baterai android. Biasanya pengaturan clock prosesor dibagi dalam opsi governor dan I/O Schedulers. Istilah-istilah yang ada di dalam opsi tersebut mungkin tidak diketahui maksud dan fungsinya oleh pengguna. Dalam artikel kali ini, saya akan menjelaskan istilah-istilah tersebut, sekaligus...

[CWM][SCRIPTS][TWEAKS] Adrenaline™ Engine | STOCK/CM 4.3 | 7/9

DISCLAIMER: No one will be responsible for any problem Adrenaline™ Engine may cause to you. Proceed With Caution ! (By Installing Adrenaline™ Engine, You Have Agreed To This) For those who want to include this into your ROM, please give proper credits and a link directs to this thread, thanks Description It's ThunderBolt by pikachu01. I repacked it with more features and optimize it for our Galaxy Ace ! This is the one I included in my Adrenaline™...

[MOD] Geeky Engine

About Geeky Engine Geeky Engine is a Script package By Me ..It Contains New Features and Iprovements!! And its much much better then some engines. What can it do ? Can make your phone From To me & my Geeky Engine are not responsible for your bricked/****ed/cracked devices or xda if you came me with bricked phone i will laugh at you. Installing it means you accept it. Make Nandroid before flashing... Features Some xbin...