It's Me ! - Shared Galaxy Wonder

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

[ROM][JB][4.1.2]Slimbean 3.1.0 Unofficial Galaxy W

SlimbeanSourced from Slimbean TeamSource build for the Galaxy WWorking:GSM (Both calls and data)AudioWifiGPSCompassBluetooth file transferUSB mass storageHW accelerationGoogle NowCameraTethering USBNot Working:Wifi tetheringIf there are others please post so I can update.Latest Build:Slim-3.1.0 Ancora 12/06/12 UnofficalMods,Themes, and gapps Special Thanks:Cyanogenmod Team (Donate)SlimRom Team (Donate)Arco (Donate)Jocala (Donate)Doomsdayivendor...

Senin, 03 Desember 2012


HIDDEN PROJECT ROM FEATURE ROM : 1. Remove some app 2. Zeam launcher added 3. Walkman added 4. Battery calibrator added 5. Dsp manager added 6. Ics keyboard added (xperia keyboard view) 7. No-frillis CPU control added 8. QuickPic added 9. Script manager added 10. Sd boster added 11. Spare parts+ pro added 12. Sony sketch font added 13. Swap memory added 14. Cool bootanimation added :P 15. beats and mega bass added SCRIPT...

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

[ROM] MIUI 2.11.16 JELLY BEAN [4.1.2] Multi-Lang

MIUI 2.11.16 JB Galaxy W I8150 MIUI 2.11.16 Alpha1 INITIAL RELEASE  The rom is based on latest Arco Cm10 Alpha 2 build Note: MIUI for Galaxy W is provided with no warranty. You are installing this software at your own risk. You may be violating your warranty. Features ________________________________________________ ROM details: Quote: -MIUI Sources : Nexus S Official support -Same bug as CM10 by Arco68 >> Official...